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Harry Potter Wiki

Tea is a typical British beverage made with tea leaves and hot water.

Known uses

When Hagrid informs the trio that Buckbeak is going to be procecuted, Ron offers to make tea, stating that this is what his mum always does when anyone is upset.

Remus Lupin was fond of making it from a kettle, and served some to Harry Potter during their Patronus lessons.

Tea leaves 1

Harry sees the Grim in his tea leaves in his Divination lesson.

In Harry's third year, Sybill Trelawney served her Divination class tea, and had them read the remaining tea leaves after they drank. Trelawney told Harry she saw he had the Grim in Harry's tea leaves.

In Harry's fifth year, Dolores Umbridge brought him into her office following Albus Dumbledore's escape. She rather forcibly offered Harry a choice of drinks, and after he chose tea, she slipped an entire bottle of (later revealed false, courtesy of Severus Snape) Veritaserum into the tea to try and get Harry to give up information she deemed important. However, Harry, feeling that she was up to something, did not drink any of the tea, and instead, dumped the contents into a vase of dried flowers when she wasn't looking.

Behind the scenes

  • In Britain, tea is often used as a term to describe an afternoon snack time. In America, it is only ever used in the drink form.

