Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

I think we should rename the page Knockback Jinx Duo or Duo Knockback Jinx, as it is known as this in the Philosopher's Stone game. ---- 05:25, June 28, 2012 (UTC)


In The Game Boy Advanced versions, this spell is blue, but in the PS1 versions, they are red. How do you plead? I think that 3d games are more canon than the 2d ones.

Oerk (talk) 04:27, August 30, 2015 (UTC)


We have always assumed, when the spell appeared as "Flipendo Duo" that was the incantation, but in the PS1 versions of the Harry Potter games, the incantation for the Knockback Jinx Duo remains "Flipendo", and we never explicitly see the characters in the GBC version of the game shout "Flipendo Duo", so that for all we know, they are still shouting "Flipendo". What do you think? And if the former is true, should we, based on that evidence, change the incantations for the modifiers of Duo and Tria?

Oerk (talk) 04:30, August 30, 2015 (UTC)
