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Harry Potter Wiki

The Sleeping Draught is a potion that cause the drinker to fall into a deep sleep. A standard Sleeping Draught differs from the Draught of Living Death, which, though also a sleeping aid, is much more powerful and difficult to make. Hermione Granger referred to the Sleeping Draught as "simple."


Cakes COS 1

Cakes containing sleeping draught


Hermione spiked two, plump chocolate cakes with Sleeping Draught in her second year. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley left these sweets out for Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle to find. The two Slytherins ate them, unquestioningly, and soon fell unconscious. Their expressions were frozen on their faces.


The four dragons used in the first task of the Triwizard Tournament in 1994 were given Sleeping Draught to make the trip from the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary to Hogwarts easier. Charlie Weasley stated that he thought it would be better for the dragons to awake in a tranquil setting, but, upon waking in the Forbidden Forest, the beasts were as vicious as ever. In Charlie's words, the team of dragonologists used "a Sleeping Draught" to knock out all four dragons, suggesting that a normal dose of the potion might be potent enough to have an effect on a creature as big as a dragon.

