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Harry Potter Wiki
Outstanding WOMBAT

An Outstanding-graded W.O.M.B.A.T.

"Oh, come off it. Yep — nine ‘Outstandings’ and one ‘Exceeds Expectations’ at Defence Against the Dark Arts. You're actually disappointed, aren't you?"
Ron Weasley sees Hermione Granger's O.W.L. results[src]

Outstanding is one of the three passing grades, out of six grades overall, in the Ordinary Wizarding Levels, Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests, and Wizards' Ordinary Magic and Basic Aptitude Tests. It is the highest mark possible, immediately above 'Exceeds Expectations'.

Advancing to N.E.W.T.

While most professors at Hogwarts set their N.E.W.T. classes entrance standards at 'Exceeds Expectations', meaning that the students must acquire such a grade in their O.W.L. in order to continue, Professor Severus Snape had set his Potion standards to 'Outstanding', meaning only the very best can continue.

Other grades

Passing Grades

Failing Grades

Recipients of an O

Known students Subject Date
Harry Potter
"And best of all, he had achieved 'Outstanding' at Defense Against the Dark Arts!"
— Harry Potter reviewing his O.W.L. marks[src]

Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.

Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom
"Professor Sprout will be delighted to see you back with an 'Outstanding' O.W.L."
Professor McGonagall to Neville Longbottom[src]

Herbology O.W.L.

John Dawlish pre 1990s

W.O.M.B.A.T. certificates

