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Harry Potter Wiki

José Barboza was a wizard from Brazil, who, in the 2010s, worked as manager of the Brazilian National Quidditch team.[1] Barboza was responsible for reinvigorating the sport following the "wilderness years" that the nineties and the naughties represented for Brazilian Quidditch.[2]

For the 427th Quidditch World Cup, which took place in the summer of 2014, José Barboza chose younger players (average age of 22) from every corner of the country, preferring talent over experience.[2] In preparation for the Cup, Barboza called the Welsh Chasers "talentless hags"[1] over a few drinks with journalist Rita Skeeter.[3] After Welsh manager Gwenog Jones threatened to "curse [his] face off", Barboza insisted his original remark had been taken out of context.[1]

When, on the Brazil vs. Wales match in the quarter-finals, on 4 June 2014, Brazilian Seeker Tony Silva caught the Snitch from under Welsh Eurig Cadwallader's nose, thus winning a highly contentious match, Gwenog Jones attempted to make good her promise to curse off Barboza's face in full view of the packed stadium. The Welsh manager was dragged from the pitch by her own Beaters, and was later put in custody. The Daily Prophet later reported that Healers confirmed Barboza's skin had almost regrown, and that he was in excellent spirits.[3]


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