Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Dobby: "Master has given Dobby a sock. Dobby is free."
Lucius Malfoy: "What-? I didn't give- (sees Harry's missing a sock) You've lost me my servant!...Avada...'"
Harry Potter frees Dobby[src]

This sock of Harry Potter's was given to the house-elf Dobby by its owner in order to free the elf from his masters - the Malfoys. Dobby kept that sock on until the day he died. Another sock of Harry's was used to hold his Sneakoscope and also later given to Dobby.

Behind the Scenes

  • The way Harry tricks Malfoy into freeing Dobby differs from the book and film. In the book, Harry put Tom Riddle's diary inside the sock and Malfoy merely attempts to attack him before Dobby knocks him backward. In the film, however, Harry places the sock inside the diary and Malfoy attempts to kill him before Dobby knocks him backward.


  • It can be assumed that the sock has appeared in every book Dobby appeared in, as in , Dobby said he always wears it.