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Harry Potter Wiki

Fred and George Weasley's Departure from Hogwarts took place sometime after the Easter Holidays in 1995, after rebelling against Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad for most of the year.

Events Leading up to Their Departure


Umbridge: "You two are about to learn what happens to wrong-doers in my school."
Fred: "You know what? I don't think we are. George, I think we've outgrown full-time education... Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?"
George: "Definitely."
— The twins departing Hogwarts[src]

The twins placed their Portable Swamp in the hallway near Professor Umbridge's office so that Harry Potter could use Umbridge's fireplace to speak to Sirius Black via The Floo Network. When Harry was finished speaking to them, Filch came into Umbridge's office, happily saying that he had permission to whip wrongdoers. He did not see Harry, as Harry had his Invisibilty Cloak.

Fred and George Summoned their broomsticks from Umbridge's office, and flew out of Hogwarts, after advertising their shop.


"Give her hell from us, Peeves."
— Fred instructing Peeves the Poltergeist to cause trouble in Hogwarts[src]

Along with Peeves, many other students attempted to become "Troublemakers-in-Chief". Lee Jordan had been setting Nifflers into Umbridge's office, students often dropped Dungbombs and Stink Pellets, and many students who had bought Skiving Snackboxes put use to them while in Umbridge's classes. [1]
