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Harry Potter Wiki
Forums: Index > The Wizengamot > Mortals Category

On behalf of Belac Reteet, I'm creating a place for everyone to provide their opinions on whether a category for Mortals should exist. I'm on the fence about it, personally - while it would be a tad broad, we have categories for immortals and amortals, so why not for mortals? Second, it wouldn't be too broad if we only added it to species and not to individuals within the species. So I don't really care what happens to it. --Hunnie Bunn! 19:03, March 10, 2013 (UTC)

It would a tad broad but, like you said, if we have categories for immortals and amortals, why not one for mortals? Whatever decision is made, I'll be okay with it. -- PerryPeverell 20:44, March 10, 2013 (UTC)
The problem is what has been stated, that by definition that it's too broad. It was Nick O'Demus, by the way, who removed the articles in question from the category. I then deleted it as being empty, based on my general agreement with his ruling that it was too broad. I can see the point for having a category such as Immortals or Amortals because these things are special in some way, and thus notable. But Mortals is the standard. For example, we have the category "Fire-based magic," but we don't categorise all other magic as "magic not based on fire." Another question is, is there a need for the category? I can see people being interested in browsing specific categories of articles regarding subjects that are "Immortal" or "Amortal," but I don't see category for "Mortal" really serving much purpose. And that is why I am against this idea, not for any personal reasons that might have been suggested. ProfessorTofty (talk) 22:38, March 10, 2013 (UTC)