Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Ok, so for Fanfiction purposes I was looking through this wiki trying to find a master list of purely offensive type spells, like what students would learn in a typical fourth year Defense Against the Dark Arts class or a duelling club. I understand that most spells could be effectively used in combat with the proper creativity, but I was looking for spells that were inherently combat-oriented (like the Body Bind or Jelly Legs). After a while of trawling through the different articles I eventually found what I needed, but in my opinion it took too much time and effort to track down spells that way. I feel like it would be convenient to have a master list of these spells readily available to make it easier for other fans to find combat magics if they needed them. What are your thoughts/opinions/suggestions on this?




Hey, Rook. I would suggest the Rictusempra curse, as it weakens the other party while causing him or her to break down in giggles. Though you may call this a defensive or offensive spell, it is useful as it is effective. Harry Potter, after all, did use it against Draco Malfoy.

By Fructosejerv0412
