Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

A Flesh-Eating Slug is a magical creature very similar to its namesake, the common garden slug. The Flesh-Eating Slug is apparently a frightening creature, since a Hogwarts student was scared enough of them to turn a Boggart into one.[1] It is a garden pest, and in 1992, the Hogwarts Gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid explained to Harry Potter that Flesh-Eating Slugs were ruining all of the school cabbages. The only known way to get rid of these slugs is by using a specific repellent that can be bought in Knockturn Alley.[2]


Notes and references

  1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Chapter 7 (Boggart in the Wardrobe)
  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Chapter 4 (At Flourish and Blotts)