Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Mittens are gloves which cover the entire hand but do not have separate finger openings.


Mittens are made up of yarn or any other possible knitting thing. Mittens were part of Fred and George Weasley's wares at their store at Hogwarts Castle, in the 1992–1993 school year.[1]

In early January 1996, while Sirius Black gave Harry Potter the two-way mirror, Molly Weasley was trying to persuade Fred and George to wear hand-knitted mittens.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

PM BlueMonday Mrs Weasley's hand-knitted mittens

"Mrs Weasley's hand-knitted mittens" on Pottermore

  • "Mrs Weasley's hand-knitted mittens" was one out of the thirty-two options generated by an old feature[3] on Pottermore, "Wonderful wizarding world happiness generator", which was about things that could cast away the Blue Monday blues.[4]
    • The description was "On a stormy night, we imagine not even the cruellest of winds could penetrate a pair of Mrs Weasley's expertly knitted mittens".[5]


Notes and references[]

  1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (video game) - GBC version
  2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 24 (Occlumency)
  3. Features: "Wonderful wizarding world happiness generator" at Pottermore (archived)
  4. "Introducing our 'Wonderful wizarding world happiness generator', which is ready and waiting to cast away those #BlueMonday blues. Click here to receive your very own piece of wizarding world happiness, and let us know what you got… pottermo.re/Happiness" - @pottermore on Twitter and Facebook
  5. Image by @giantsupergirl1 on Twitter