Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Hassan Mostafa was an Egyptian wizard and a Quidditch referee from Egypt. Physically, his appearance was that of a small, skinny wizard, with a large moustache and a bald head. Mostafa was an acclaimed Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch.


In 1994, he served as the referee for the Quidditch World Cup of that year after travelling all the way from Egypt. Halfway through the finals, however, he was entranced by the Veela, the Bulgarian mascots. After recovering from the shock, he wanted them sent off the pitch.[2]

Behind the scenes[]


The name "Hassan" means "beautifier" in Arabic. "Mostafa" means "chosen" in Arabic, and it is a common name.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 8 (The Quidditch World Cup) - "A small and skinny wizard, completely bald but with a moustache to rival Uncle Vernon’s, wearing robes of pure gold to match the stadium, strode out onto the field."
  2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 8 (The Quidditch World Cup)