Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

The Cupboard under the stairs was Harry Potter's room in the Dursley household, at 4 Privet Drive in Little Whinging, Surrey. The cupboard was described as small and dusty, with lots of spiders.


When Harry's father and mother were killed in 1981, Harry was brought to his maternal aunt, Petunia Dursley. She and her husband Vernon reluctantly took him in, but treated him poorly, mostly because his parents had been magical and they feared that Harry would also turn out to be a "freak". Instead of being given a real bedroom, Harry was kept in the cupboard under the stairs.

The Dursleys' fears about Harry being magical turned out to be correct, as Harry received an invitation to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991. The first letter was addressed: Mr H Potter The Cupboard under the stairs. This prompted the Dursleys to allow Harry to move into what had previously been his cousin Dudley's second bedroom. Despite the Dursleys' numerous attempts to prevent Harry from accepting the offer, he soon went to Hogwarts. From 1992 onwards, Harry slept in Dudley's second bedroom and the cupboard was used by the Dursleys to store Harry's magical possessions while he was staying with them during the summer holidays.

