Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

A cat is a domesticated creature who is used in both the wizarding and Muggle worlds as a pet.

Cats are sometimes kept as pets of witches and wizards. Students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are allowed to bring, among other animals, a cat as a pet.

Cats are also able to interbreed with Kneazles, and generally have up to eight kittens in every litter. Some wizards and witches make a living by breeding Kneazles or part-Kneazles. Arabella Figg, a Squib, makes her living in this manner.[1]

It is a possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm.[2][3] Minerva McGonagall's Patronus is a cat. There are also Animagi wizards and witches, some of whom can assume the form of a cat.


Cats in cages in the Magical Menagerie on Pottermore

They could see or detect dementors, as Mr Tibbles was able to inform Mrs Figg.

Types of cats


A cat

Known cats

Pure cats

Half-cat half-kneazle

Unspecified genetics

Known cat Patronuses

Known Animagus cats

Behind the scenes

  • In the film of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Vernon Dursley blamed the loud thumping noises made by Dobby on a non-existent family cat. Additionally in this film, the Weasley family's fireplace featured a motif of an orange cat.
  • In addition to having a cat Patronus, Dolores Umbridge seems to have a fondness for kittens (baby or young cats). She owns a set of ornamental plates featuring kittens as well as pink notes with pictures of kittens in the corners, and attached one with the note "To be punished" to a wanted poster of Harry Potter labelling him as "Undesirable Number One".[4] However, she finds the real ones to be of a hassle to take care of, so she only focus on cat-themed decorations.[5]


Notes and references
