Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Betty Braithwaite was a witch who worked as a reporter for the Daily Prophet.

In 1997, she got an exclusive interview with Rita Skeeter about her then-upcoming book, The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. She was invited into Rita's home, where Rita served her tea and a slice of pound cake.[1]

Behind the scenes

  • Braithwaite apparently took a liking to Rita Skeeter, or at least pretended to, as her article gave the impression of Skeeter being a sweet, kind woman, despite her cruel and slanderous writings. However, this could have been due to an entirely understandable desire not to get on the wrong side of someone with such a poison pen, and a clear capacity to carry a grudge.


Notes and references

  1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 2 (In Memoriam)
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