Harry Potter Wiki
Harry Potter Wiki

Acacia (also known as thorntrees, whistling thorns or wattles, including the yellow-fever acacia and umbrella acacias) is a genus of shrubs and trees belonging to the subfamily Mimosoideae of the family Fabaceae. Many non-Australian species tend to be thorny, whereas the majority of Australian acacias are not. They are pod-bearing, with sap and leaves typically bearing large amounts of tannins and condensed tannins that historically in many species found use as pharmaceuticals and preservatives.


A very unusual wand wood, which Garrick Ollivander found creates tricky wands that often refuse to produce magic for any but their owner, and also withhold their best effects from all but those most gifted. This sensitivity renders them difficult to place, and as such he only kept only a small stock for those witches or wizards of sufficient subtlety, for acacia is not suited to what is commonly known as ‘bangs-and-smells’ magic. When well-matched, an acacia wand matches any for power, though it is often underrated due to the peculiarity of its temperament.[1]

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